
We are constantly setting goals in our lives from the minute we were born. It is said that when you write or speak about your goals and ambitions, you are more likely to achieve them. Many individuals have tested this theory and it turned out to be true. Goals are something that you set for yourself to keep moving forward in life. They help you look up to something and give you a purpose in life. It is said to be good to have goals because it will help you build a successful life. Sometimes, people tend to fail goals they set for themselves and give up entirely. Instead, we should look at our failures as an opportunity to learn and move forward to not make that same mistake again. This kind of attitude will get you very far. Sometimes, you need to lose something in order to win something. Ambitious individuals and big dreamers. These are the individuals that dream of taking over the entire world by themselves, dominating it, and making everything go their way.


  1. Your home. There’s no place like home.

  2. Your parents. They gave you life and a way to see the world.

  3. Your friends. Friends that feel like family can’t be beat.

  4. Your kid(s). If you have them, you know they bring incredible joy to life.

  5. Your relationship. Your person to spend life with.

  6. Your pet. Animals are incredible sources of love.

  7. Your health. It is said that…health is the crown that sits on the well man’s head that only the sick man can see.

  8. Sight. Your ability to see the beauty in this world.

  9. Smell. That first sniff of fresh baked anything.

  10. Taste. What would the world be like if you couldn’t taste anything?

  11. Touch. An essential part of how we connect with others.

  12. Food: If you don’t have to worry about where your next meal is coming from, you’re blessed.

  13. Travel. Seeing other places whenever we want is a gift.

  14. The kindness of others. When someone reaches out to you in love and support it is no small thing.

  15. Heating and cooling. Climate control makes our lives WAY easier.

  16. Living in a safe neighborhood. Not worrying about the safety of yourself and your family is something we take for granted.

  17. Our freedoms and rights. Saying what you want, practicing your religion in your own way, and voting are not commonplace everywhere.

  18. Sunshine. It boosts your spirits and makes Earth a beautiful (and livable) place.

  19. Modern medicine. Keeping us alive for much longer.

  20. Planet Earth. It’s pretty incredible that it has just the right conditions for us to live here.

  21. Education. Not everyone gets the access or quality of education we have.

  22. Clothing. Having plenty of clean clothes that are functional.

  23. Electricity. Light at the click of a switch. How awesome!

  24. Clean water. If you don’t have to worry about what you’re drinking, you are lucky.

  25. A stable government. I recently spoke to someone who lived in a country without one. And I’ve never been more grateful to live where I live.