
  • UCSD, took csp twice
  • How did you realize you wanted to do CS
  • Realized he was good at CS. Friends encouraged him, but also choose to appeal to his own skill
  • Starting cs was the hardest part; keeping motivated through it
  • Mech engineering: only 1 hands on project in freshman year, and one in senior year
  • Learn scrum well, as it will come back in college
  • Put together your resume early


  • took csp then csa
  • Did CS from a young age
  • Liked it as an individual
  • Biggest challenge: biggest egos, so focus on yourself
  • just apply, and go ahead and do it. you will never regret it


  • some UC school
  • Took CSP, and slowly developed his skills
  • More paper stuff in college; more about the theory
  • Being prepared for learn, and struggle in the classes you take in college
  • What we are learning now is very applicable, and CSA and CSP is what will take you far
  • Always work on what you want to do. Find time and do it.
  • Data visualization is something to look into


  • aerospace engineering
  • Did not like CS at all, but them grew to like it
  • Find motivation to keep going, and not give up
  • Got extremely frustrated with the syntax, but the logic is even harder to learn
  • There will be more than 200+ people, so it will be a lot of self-learning/studying with peers
  • This class is very structured compared to colleges, and how their classes are organized
  • CSA and CSP teaches a lot of problem solving, which is applicable in many different majors in college
  • Jupyter notebook is a useful tool, as many people in college use that tool for projects
  • CS in any college is the same, you learn the same things


  • UCLA, only took csp, cognitive science major
  • More focused on psychology
  • Csp helped learn web design skills
  • Temptation to not put effort into what you are doing, make sure you don’t take the shortcuts
  • CS will show up in almost every single field, such as phycology


  • UCSD, took csa, likes the experience
  • Was interested in cs from a young age
  • Liked making games when she was younger
  • Getting started into a new area of computer science. There won’t be a lot of structure for everything