
<h3>book list </h3>

  • Harry Potter
  • Series of unfortunate events
  • divergent series
  • hunger games
  • percy jackson
  • emotions
  • the Prince


On June 23, I flew to Jacksonville, Florida with my aunt. We went from San Diego to Houston. From there, we flew straight to Jacksonville. The next day, we went to pick up my cousin from college which is about two hours away, in Gainesville. Unfortunately, she had gotten Covid-19 due to her trip to Disney World a few weeks ago. The first few days of vacation were quite boring because of this. However, they had two beautiful cats, Juno and Max who kept me company. Juno was seven years old and Max was only a year old. My aunt had fostered Max when he was just a few weeks old. Max had severe ringworm. He eventually recovered and my aunt decided to adopt him. In a week, my cousin had recovered and very quickly we started going out. We drove for a few hours. We went to the new Jurassic World movie and then explored a huge outdoor mall they had called “Town Center”. A couple weeks later, we decided to foster a week old kitten. The first night was a huge struggle since we had no idea what we were doing. Slowly we got the hang of it. The three of us kept taking shifts every three hours in the night. My cousin and I went roller skating one day, it was so much fun. She used to roller blade as a kid so she got the hang of it very easily. However, for me, it took multiple falls to finally get a little bit of balance. Later, we went to M-Shack for lunch. We had burgers and french fries. Then, we spotted a hair salon close by. We then got our hair done and went back home with a new, fresh look. A week later, my cousin and I went to Gainesville and lived in her dorm for two days. There, we explored her college campus and went bowling. The next day, we went back to Jacksonville. On July 29, the three of us drove to Orlando and stayed in a hotel there overnight. The next day my aunt and I went to the airport and it was time for me to go back.